Saturday, March 21, 2015

Star of the Day!

Our Korowai - Cloak


noun (pl) korowai. 1. a decorative woven cloak worn by a Māori chief. Word Origin. Māori.

We used our handprints instead of feathers to represents how we will work together as a team.
On the inside of our korowai we have glued pictures of people and
and things that are important to us.




Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Swimming Sports 2015

Today Room 7 had to write about how they felt about participating in our Kea Team Swimming Sports...

I did all of the races. I came 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. I thought I did well and I was happy as can be!

On the morning of swimming sports I had butterflies in my tummy. After my first race it was alright. I came second in the first race which was the flutter board one length. In the second race I came first. I was really proud of myself. In the third and fourth races I cam second and third. I felt really proud of how ADVENTUROUS i was at swimming sports.

I was very proud of myself for coming first in my very first race. I helped Walter to swim by ENCOURAGING him.

I had butterflies in my tummy but Carys cheered me on so I felt supported. When I did freestyle I came 2nd and my mum was so proud of me. Unfortunately backstroke was a pain because I banged into the wall. But guess what I made it into the finals anyway!

Yesterday I was sad because I thought I would loose to Lukin. But I came second in all the races. Then I felt happy!

Yesterday I felt happy, brave and supportive when I supported Kalan while he was doing his Orca finals. I did the dolphin races and I felt CONFIDENT to swim.

Yesterday amazing Kea Team were at swimming sports. I felt nervous when I sat down because everybody that I looked at was really good at swimming in my group. I came 5th and 4th in freestyle. I came 5th in backstroke. After the race I felt proud of myself because I didn't want to do backstroke but I did it! Even though I came last I am still proud of myself!

I was really nervous about my swimming yesterday because I didn't know if I would make it into the finals. Guess what I made it! I was so proud of myself, I couldn't believe it! My mum and dad were pleased as well. In my finals I came 1st in my breast stroke, 1st in my back stroke and 2nd in my freestyle. My focus was to not look at the other people who were in my race!

I was really proud for coming second in breaststroke. I felt exhausted after two lengths of freestyle. My favourite race was the two lengths freestyle. I felt CONFIDENT when I did backstroke. Braveness was in my heart!

I was really really nervous about my swimming sports yesterday because it was so soon, but I got over it! Then I got a big surprise that my mum was there! When I got in the water it was freezing. I got so tired and cold. My favourite part was doing the fun relay! I was so proud but exhausted.

Yesterday we went to the pool for swimming sports. I had to swim half a length of freestyle. I came 2nd. I felt very proud. It would never have happened if Paige didn't cheer for me. The first race we did was a length with flutterboards. I came second in that and all the other ones. I felt very CONFIDENT!

I felt like I had butterflies in me at first, then in the water I felt proud of myself. I was proud because I was 1st in the flutterboards and the backstroke with the flutterboards. The most important thing is having fun. I had fun, I was just enjoying it! My favourite thing was doing the flutterboard race with my favourite friend Breyanna. I like swimming sports!

I felt extremely proud of myself because I got into the finals. In freestyle I got second place. In backstroke I got fourth place. In breaststroke I got third place. In the two length race I got third place. At the end of the swimming sports I felt exhausted and extremely tired but I also felt happy and brave. I felt proud and CONFIDENT!

Yesterday I went to swimming sports. I felt very, very, very happy and excited and proud of myself. I was happy because my mum came to watch me swim. I came first twice, second once and third once. I think I was really brave at swimming sports.

I was really proud of myself at swimming sports yesterday because I came 3rd. I cheered for Room 7!

I felt brave swimming 2 lengths in front of a crowd. I was embarrassed when I did the relay because I looked like a hawaiian girl but I was CONFIDENT and I did it!



Stars of the Days!!!

Reading with our Buddy Class!